Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Architecture for Multiples

Being an architect, I can't help this post :D  There are hundreds of things to consider while designing a home for adults, but when you design for houses with babies and toddlers, who will soon grow up to be teenagers, there are many many more aspects. But then designing a house for a family with triplets...well, you simply can't be too careful.
Most of us may not be building a new house right after the triplets are conceived or right after they are born. We would be much too busy. So modifications to the present house with some modifications to the furniture is all we can do. And then once they are toddlers we might be able to build a new house, or make more serious modifications to the existing one. In any case, safety, convenience and flexibility are the most important factors to consider while doing these designs.
What I have shown here are some very inexpensive (you could say crude) modifications and details. There are hundreds of sophisticated furniture designs available, anything you can get to make life easier is worth every rupee. And after the babies grow up you can always pass them on to friends or relatives with new babies, or sell them online .
Here is a room (can't really call it a room, it comes to 500 sq ft) design for a triplet (two boys and a girl), assuming that the house design allows a room of this size and openings. (But even if the site or house is different, you can go for very efficient designs once you give it serious thought). The left side plans show the use of the area when the children are babies or toddlers, right side ones show how it will be after they are teenagers.

Updated on Sept 25, 2014
Apart from the functional and safety aspects, there are experiential aspects too. Keep in mind that most part of the baby and toddler's life is spent at home, mostly indoors. So let him/her have as many experiential qualities to the spaces around. The colors, sights, smells, sounds, textures- everything matters. Let the home be a sweet place with rich experiences for the baby.

architecture for homes with babies
architecture for homes with babies

This image shows a typical verandah in a traditional Kerala house. Extremely useful and live space. 

architecture for homes with babies
A small addition to the 6 feet cot- to protect them from falling down. The door slides up.
architecture for homes with babies
architecture for homes with babies
Once they start moving around, a detail like this might be necessary on a few doors. The traditional half door are very useful.

furniture for babies
Cribs like this one have many functions
furniture for babies

furniture for babies

furniture for babies

furniture for babies

Then we should see to it that all edges are rounded, staircases and steps are either inaccessible, or if they are accessible, they should have enough safety measures. Projecting cupboards have dangerous edges. So do tables, slabs etc. Electric wires, switch boards etc should be kept at sufficient heights. T.v, table/pedestal fan if any, must be such that the cables are inaccessible, and if in case they are accessed, the equipment should be in such a way that it should not fall on the baby.

architecture for babies

furniture for babies